Katzourakis Michalis

Date of birth: 01-01-1933
Art Works 2


He studied painting in Paris (1951-1955). His work is moved in the frame of after paint abstraction with influences from old days including minimalist type, artistic formulations of American painting of the decade of 1960 and recently, lyric abstraction of artists of European space, without however denying absolutely the geometric vocabulary of his advanced efforts. He has presented his work individually (Pein 1955, Room ESF 1962, Room of Art Athens 1967, 1970, Institute Gkaite 1969, Zoumpoulaki 1977, 1981, 1984, 1991, 1994, 1996, Denise Rene Paris 1979, Artforum Thessaloniki 1997 etc.) and has taken part in group exhibitions as well.