Dimitrios Kouros is an Arcadian, born in Tripoli in 1957. In his teens, he discovered the world of painting, that great and magical adventure of light and colour, guided on his quest by Antonis Glinos. From 1976 to 1979, he atten ded classes at the School of Fine Arts on Tinos, where he studied painting, marblework and sculpture under G. Maniatakos. In 1979, he was accepted as an honours student at the Athens School of Fine Arts and continued his studies under Dimitris Mitaras and Dimitris Kalamaras. In 1983 Kouros worked with Dimitris Talaganis on the scenery and sculpture for the performance of Giannis Ritsos’ play "Mandatophores". Recipient of a fellowship, he worked in Pa ris from 1986 to 1988 w ith the great teachers and sculptor Cezar and with Francois Duffot. Works from his "Orphic" series were shown at the Arcadian Festival in 1983 and 1984, and in Athens in 1985 . In 1987, his works was exh ibited at the Ueno Metropolitan Museum in Tokyo and in 1988 the first "Orphic" series were shown in France. His works hang in both private and public collections in Greece, France, USA, Japan and Canada. He now lives and works in Athens and Paris.