He studied close to G. Sikeliotis. He belongs in the space of artists that was nourished with the Greek beginnings. His themes are ethographies or Greek landscapes with particular sensitivity in the colour. He has presented his work individually (Architectural
1963 , Town hall Kaisarianis 1965 , Chilton 1968 , Ora 1969 , 1974 , 1987 , News Gallery 1971 , Nees Morfes 1976, 1979 , Vassiliki S t. Markos Irakleios 1977 , Panselinos Thessaloniki 1980 , Medousa 1981 , Kreo nidis 1982 , Chry sothemis, 1982 , 1989 , 19 95 , 1996, 1997, Anemos 1 984, Agkathi 1990, Astrolavos Pira eus 1991, Polyplano 1993) and has taken part in group exhibitions as well. He also made covers of disks and greeting cards. For many years he taught painting in private school. He has written texts for the painting as well as poems. He is member of EETE.